Appliance Go

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Store Remarks

If you purchase four computers and one computer related products, please refer to the following information:

The products listed in this receipt are regulated electrical appliances within the meaning of the Product Environmental Responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603). The Ordinance imposes the following recycling levies on the product:

Air conditioner: $125 each

Refrigerator: $165 each

Washing machine: $125 each

TV: $165 each

Computer: $15 each

Printer: $15 each

Scanner: $15 each

Monitors: $45 each

Please contact customer service dept. of Appliance Go after purchased if possible.



*本公司將依照個人資料保護法相關規定保護您的個人資料﹐並遵守HKTVmall 的私隱保護政策。


•因實際情況所限﹐HKTVmall 與門市銷售價格、促銷活動、條件與限制有機會各為不同﹐一切條款只適用於HKTVmall。







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