Whirlpool Official Store

For product issues, customers are required to contact our customer service for inspection or repair (except caused by human factors). Whirlpoo reserves the right to make the final decision.
The listed items below are regulated electrical equipment under the Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603).
Air Conditioner/Washing Machine/Tumble Dryers / Dehumidifiers: HK$125 per unit
Refrigerator: HK$165 per unit.
Removal Service T&C: https://www.whirlpool.com.hk/english/helpcenter/shippinginstallation/removalservice
The chosen Statutory Removal Service is listed on the receipt of Description.
*W1 I would opt to join the statutory removal service(Arrange on a different day from the delivery day).
*W2 I would like opt out from the statutory removal service.
*W3 I would like to join Whirlpool VIP"s removal Service(Arrange at the same day from the delivery date).
*W4 I would like to confirm my statutory removal service request within 3 days after purchase.
For more details on charges, please refer to the Removal Service Terms & Conditions section above.

• 我們的商店將根據《個人資料保護法》的相關規定和HKTVmall的隱私政策保護您的個人資訊。
• 如有任何爭議,商戶保留最終決定權,恕不另行通知。
• 顯示的顏色可能與實際產品略有不同。
• 產品保修只適用於香港。
• 如HKTVmall有限制、價格、推廣優惠及其他推廣活動可能與零售店有所不同,條款及優惠只適用於香港電訊商場。
惠而浦HKTV mall官方旗艦店為顧客提供「14天產品換貨保證」服務。自顧客收到產品即日起計(以簽收日期為準)之14天內,顧客可以瑕疵、損壞或未能運作之原因作出提出換貨要求。所有產品均不設退貨或退款,只限於更換產品。
*W1 我希望選取法定除舊服務(非收貨當日處理)
*W2 我選擇放棄法定除舊服務,並自行處理
*W3 我希望選取惠而浦星級除舊服務(收貨當日處理)#
*W4 我決定先考慮,並於交易完成後的3天內回覆惠而浦服務要求
#惠而浦星級除舊服務將為你安排在送新機同日搬走舊電器 (但不包括內置式/嵌入式, 對門式雪櫃及冷氣機)。 服務收費會根據電器尺寸而定, 詳細如下:
b)大型尺寸收費為$200, 包括︰
分體式冷氣機 (只包括一件室外和一件室內機,額外每件室內機收費為$100)
搬抬洗衣機 / 乾衣機 / 洗衣乾衣機跨過離地12吋的障礙物, 如廁盆, 櫃等每次收費為HK$150。
本店配送的「商戶配送」商品不能與其他商家配送的商品合併計算配送費用。在這家商店的"商家送貨"商品上花費$ 400即可享受免費送貨,否則送貨費為$ 80。部分偏遠地區需額外收取運費,詳情請直接與商戶聯絡。
如大廈未有提供電梯之類之設備,大廈內上落樓梯每件產品/每層收費為HK$30(大廈內的樓梯以 "樓層標記" 計算,如需上落閣樓或天台, 以每10級計算, 不足10級亦當10 級計算)。
手推車拉至村屋或停車場,推路費頭100米免費,接著每100米$100(最多推 500 米)。推路 500 米以上 / 斜路及陡峭斜路,需另行報價。
大型尺寸( 洗衣機,乾衣機,洗衣乾衣機的闊度為27寸或以上 / 雪櫃的闊度為35寸或以上)
大廈內上落樓梯 (每層收費)為$115(大廈內的樓梯以 "樓層標記" 計算,如需上落閣樓或天台, 以每10級計算, 不足10級亦當10 級計算)。
大廈門口電梯前之樓梯/大廈以外/村屋以外/停車場樓梯: 頭6級免費﹔接著以每10級$115計算,不足10級亦當10級計算。
手推車拉至村屋或停車場,推路費頭100米免費,接著每100米$100(最多推 500 米)。推路 500 米以上 / 斜路及陡峭斜路,需另行報價。
搬抬洗衣機 / 乾衣機 / 洗衣乾衣機跨過離地12吋的障礙物, 如廁盆, 櫃等每次收費為HK$150。
• 所有產品均不可退貨
• 如有任何爭議,HKTVmall保留最終決定權。
Whirlpool (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Whirlpool Corporation, was established in 1989. With a variety of innovative products, active marketing promotions and high quality customer service, Whirlpool has achieved healthy sales growth, and now become an independent and well-known brand in the Asia-Pacific region, continuing to bring convenient and user-friendly home appliances and living.
We have succeeded in tailoring western design and technology to meet the local needs with reliable and high performance home appliances. According to the survey conducted by one of the largest market research institutes, Whirlpool is the top selling washer brand in Hong Kong for 18 years*. The steam oven and hood have also received the highest ratings product review reports issued by local consumer authority, and have also been consecutively awarded the "Price Consumer Choice" organised by the most recognized local price website Price.com.hk.
We offer full range major domestic appliances including: washer, dryer, refrigerator, air conditioner, cookerhood, microwave oven, cooking hob, dehumidifier, dishwasher, etc.
* According to the industry-recognized 2006-2023 Hong Kong washing machines survey report
# 4S Steam Oven was awarded the highest 4.5 stars by local consumer authorities, and was awarded the "Price Consumer Choice - Brand of Steam Oven" by Price.com.hk in 2023-2024
^ The wall-mounted chimney hood AKR4071/IX and the auto heat cleaning hood WT7BTAS were awarded the highest 4.5 stars and 4 stars by local consumer authorities in two reviews respectively, and were awarded the "Price Consumer Choice - Brand of Range Hood" by Price.com.hk in 2023-2024

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