Lady Avenue

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Lady Avenue, founded in 2010, is a British based online department store chain with a flagship store in Knightsbridge, London. It sells fashion collections for women, fashion accessories, skincare products, makeup products, lifestyle products.
We hold the hottest skincare brands and products from around the World. Delivering the treatment your skin deserves right to your door.
Get your hands on the latest fashion from around the World. We hold exclusively the exquisite designs from top upcoming designers.
Life is not all about work, at Lady Avenue we supply some of the most unique and exclusive lifestyle items from around the world.
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- 如要搜尋一個品牌的指定商品或類別,請在品牌後加上空格,例如「Canon 相機」
- 你亦可按畫面右下方「即時對話」向我們的客戶服務員尋求協助