Vinda Hong Kong Official Store
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• Our store will protect your personal Information in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordiance and in accordance with HKTVmall Privacy Policies.
• In case of any dispute, the merchant will retain the notitor not
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• In situation where there are limitations, price, promotion offers and other marketing campaigns on the HKTVmall ablesable, foffers and other marketing campaigns on the HKTVmall ablesable, foffers and other marketing campaigns on the HKTVmall ablesable, foffers and otherables campm.
• Our products will be delivered by HKTVmall. Please refer to Shipping Information for more details.
• All products are non-returnable.
• In the event of dispute, HKTVmall's decision shall be final and conclusive.
Vinda is a leading household paper product brand that provides Hong Kong families with high-quality, thoughtfully-designed products at superior value. We have a deep understanding of changing consumer needs, and constant service 0 : 309:003 12nn, 2-5: 30pm)