Special Price
$ 88.00
2-Day Delivery
600+ Sold
10% Everuts E-Coins Rebate: $8.80
Country of Origin Thailand
Description 原裝香港行貨 Hong Kong Official Imported.

此產品可能含有防腐劑等添加物。Product may contain additives and preservatives.

圖片及資料僅供參考,會與真實產品及包裝有差異,請閱讀產品包裝的所有信息為準。Here Photos shown just for reference only, please read all information and instructions on real product packaging.
Delivery / Return
  • The product will be delivered by HKTVmall 
  • Sold by Happy Moment 丨開心生活-專門店
  • This product is non-returnable
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原裝香港行貨 Hong Kong Official Imported.



溫馨提示:產品應避免高溫以及陽光直射,開封後需冷藏並盡快食用。The product should be protected from high temperature and direct sunlight. After opening, it should be refrigerated and finished as soon as possible.


此產品可能含有防腐劑等添加物。This product may contain additives such as preservatives. 


這裡顯示的僅供參考,會與真實產品及包裝有差異,請閱讀真實產品包裝中的所有信息為準。Here shown just for reference only, please read all information and instructions on real product packaging.
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Happy Moment 丨開心生活-專門店

About Happy Moment 丨開心生活-專門店

購物是個開心的經驗,網上購物更是樂趣無窮。一方面隨心所欲不受騷擾;另一方面有詳盡的資訊,可以細心參考。HappyMoment希望每位顧客在本店舖內都有開心愉快的購物經驗,購物後送到家中有更歡愉的感受! 我們的產品推陳出新、天天新款、讓你有新鮮感的選擇。多樣性的產品,有心思和創意,緊貼市場並一直不斷提升產品的質素和種類,提供優質而切合需要的生活貼心品。產品包括:日、韓、台滋味美食、實用家居日用品,而且更有品牌金筆、手機配置周邊產品、旅行及運動用品、心意紀念品、潮流電子產品,包羅萬有。


我們保証以香港正貨品分銷入貨品牌如美國派克Parker、法國Waterman, CROSS等…是書寫品牌金筆的翹楚及典範,是理想的品牌禮品適合個人、商務VIP、生日、周年、頒獎禮品紀念品。

T & C

• Our store will protect your personal Information in accordance to the relevant provisions of the personal Data Protection Act and in accords to HKTVmall Privacy Policies.
• In case of any dispute the merchant will retain the right of final decision without prior notice.
• Colour shown may be slightly different than actual products.
• In situation where there are limitations price promotion offers and other marketing campaigns on the HKTVmall may varies from retail stores the terms and offers are only applicable to HKTVmall.

Delivery / Return

• Our products will be delivered by HKTVmall please refer to Shipping Information for more details.
• Actual delivery time depends on the products ordered and the shipping time of the particular merchants.
• Shipping time of this store: Monday to Friday excluding Public Holiday 9am and 3pm.
• All products are non-returnable and non-refundable.
• In the event of dispute HKTVmall's decision shall be final and conclusive.