Special Price
【HKTV 限量優惠】 | 原價 $120
$ 96.00
Same Day Delivery
1,000+ Sold
10% Everuts E-Coins Rebate: $9.60
Packing Spec大餐急救x 2 + 火鍋急救x2
Country of Origin Taiwan
1包KO.1餐 阻隔性口含片


炭精 燒烤蜜糖 燒烤爐 dhc瘦 新谷酵素 Svelty SlimFast Tremella 賢者之食卓 防彈咖啡 Mucil 純天然膳食纖維素粉劑 溶腩酵素 瘦身酵素 消腩丸 瘦腰瘦肚腩丸 纖體瘦身 森下仁丹 Bifina S 益生菌 順便茶梅 消水丸 去水丸 2回殺脂 燒烤包 BBQ套餐 自助餐劵 韓牛 A4和牛 肉眼 西冷 牛扒 燒烤雞翼 CP雞翼 大魚大肉套餐 氣炸 清熱酷 綠涼茶布丁味夾心棉花糖 能得利 喉糖 康萃樂 Culturelle 反胖通素 仙人掌酵素 稀少糖 大餐急救 飯前之願望 純甄乳酪 Fibe Mini FINE JAPAN 優之源 小欖 蜜汁 雞肉腸 電烤爐 燒烤板 炸豬排 噴油 燒烤油 氣炸鍋 噴油 韓燒 燒酒 露營 行山 木炭 豬肉乾 蜜味 烘烤 炸魚手指 氣炸鍋 空氣炸 派對 煎焗油炸 吉列 牛角 燒肉 健康 稀少糖 下半身肥胖 脂肪 iSecret 排毒美顏寶 滴雞精 海陸套餐 纖Q 紅豆水 Helaslim 好速纖 日本消腩丸 減肥 火鍋湯底 麻辣火鍋湯底 海底撈 小肥羊 雞煲醬 麻辣湯底 邊爐火鍋卡式石油氣

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  • * The product can be delivered in next day by HKTVmall if the order is placed before 10p.m. 
  • Sold by Shopping Station
  • This product is non-returnable
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【一餐急救】系列是針對一餐過剩營養被吸收,而專設的全面阻隔口含片產品,由兩粒大餐專研含片及一粒「Kill Meal B.L.O.C.K.」專利阻隔含片所組成。它能夠令您盡情享受豐盛的一餐,而無需擔心餐後所帶來肥胖的苦惱,無論任何時候食幾多都唔會再後悔。

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Shopping Station為您搜羅各種產品,改善您的健康及生活質素,産品暢銷全球。保證店內售賣的貨品是百分百的正貨,讓您可以安心以更優惠的價格購買高質產品。

T & C

• Our store will protect your personal Information in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordiance and in accordance with HKTVmall Privacy Policies.

• In case of any dispute, the merchant will retain the right of final decision without prior notice.

• Colour shown may be slightly different than actual products due to computer monitors settings.

• In situation where there are limitations, price, promotion offers and other marketing campaigns on the HKTVmall may varies from retail stores, the terms and offers are only applicable to HKTVmall.

Delivery / Return

• Our products will be delivered by HKTVmall. Please refer to Shipping Information for more details.

• Actual delivery time depends on the products ordered and the shipping time of the particular merchants.

• Shipping time of this store: Monday to Friday, not including Public Holiday.

• All products are non-returnable.

• In the event of dispute, HKTVmall's decision shall be final and conclusive.