$ 178.00
$ 108.00
10% Everuts E-Coins Rebate: $10.80
Packing Spec6
Country of Origin Canada
  • The product will be delivered by HKTVmall 
  • Sold by Puff Mall
  • This product is non-returnable


Lapis lazuli corresponds to the throat wheel and eyebrow wheel, which can improve the eyes (relieve intraocular pressure, eliminate fatigue), sore throat, trachea, and respiratory diseases, and strengthen their functions.Lapis lazuli can enhance insight, resolution, and calm anger and irritability.

About Puff Mall

Puff Shop provides a variety of life department stores and natural crystal products. Puff Department Store offers a wide range of natural crystal products, including crystal bracelets, crystal pendants, crystal simple minerals, and more. Whether you are looking for a beautiful crystal ornament or want to buy a useful gift for yourself or others, our products are carefully selected and crafted by professionals to ensure that each product is of high quality, so you can choose with confidence purchase!

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•如有任何爭議, 商戶將保留最終決定權而毋須另行通知。
•商品顏色或會因電腦螢幕設定差異會略有不同, 一切以實物為準。

•本店所有商品會以循環盒作為包裝物料, 包裝盒的外觀有機會與內裡貨物不一致, 請打開裡面看清楚是否跟貴客所需貨品



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