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Natura Siberica has been the honoured recipient of multiple awards recognising our commitment to nature.


Institute of Ethic Certification (ICEA) is the main certifying body of natural cosmetics (organic cosmetics, biocosmetics, ecocosmetics ) in Italy.
Italian Association of Organic Agriculture (AIAB) and the Institute of Ethic Certification (ICEA), together with a group of manufacturers, have developed leading principles for natural and organic cosmetics.
Cosmetics, meeting all the rigid requirements of certifying body, receives the status of «organic», and the package has a corresponding marking. All stages of cosmetics manufacturing annually undergo a rigid system of certification. A whole range of other requirements to organic products is being inspected.



The COSMOS-standard is a new cosmetic certification developed to harmonize various certifications and labels in order to create one standard that is internationally recognized for natural and organic cosmetics.

The new certification is a result of Europe’s leading natural cosmetic certifiers coming together and forming a non-profit association, COSMOS-standard AISBL.


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