Special Price
$ 268.00
$ 159.00
8-Hour Delivery
800+ Sold
Packing Spec60 Softgels
Country of Origin Canada

[Health King Wild Cherry Extract]are high in anthocyanins, polyphenols, flavonoids, quercetin (onions), and natural sources of vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, pectin, and boron (critical nutrients for healthy bones), which are suitable for heart health, improving physical quality, anti-aging, anti-three highs, anti-obesity and improving sleep quality.

This product may assist in stabilizing blood pressure. 

This product is suitable for people concerned about blood lipids/cholesterol. 

Delivery / Return
  • * The product can be delivered in next day by HKTVmall if the order is placed before 10p.m. 
  • Sold by Health Guardian HK
  • This product is non-returnable
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[Health King Wild Cherry Extract] is strictly selected from wild cherries that are not genetically modified. A new refining technology makes high-efficiency concentrated essence more easily absorbed by the human body. It has been clinically proven that it can balance uric acid in the body, reduce the synthesis and accumulation of acid, target the source of pain, and relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. It is healthier and more comprehensive than taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs!

Wild cherries are high in anthocyanins, polyphenols, flavonoids, quercetin (onions), and natural sources of vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, pectin, and boron (critical nutrients for healthy bones), which are suitable for heart health, improving physical quality, anti-aging, anti-three highs, anti-obesity and improving sleep quality.

This product may assist in stabilizing blood pressure. 

This product is suitable for people concerned about blood lipids/cholesterol. 

For details, please refer to the label on the product.

The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered final.

This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.

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《健康尚品Health King》是由具現代醫藥學專業知識團隊所創立,人員擁有中醫藥專業資格,依據傳統中、西醫藥理論結合現代醫學先進技術開發產品,真正了解保健產品的成份、功效及安全性。並針對都市人健康,從世界各地嚴選優質天然成份、具臨床驗證的高效專方,將成份天然、功效顯著、品質安全的優質健康產品帶給顧客,務求為各界提供最優質和最可靠的真正全天然健康產品。











(健康博士)療康佳YH 0618茶包是一款安全、有效及獨特,並可與化療藥同服的醫食同源茶包,用於“減少化療副作用的藥食茶包”,並由香港著名權威大學在創新科技署和企業的支持下研發的成果。是唯一由官方支持、大學研發及已被臨床証實有效的藥食茶包。




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