One of the largest adult sex toys wholesalers and retailers in Hong Kong, Adult Loving has two adult sex shops conveniently situated at Kwun Tong , just a few minutes walk from the MTR station.
Our stores offer thousands of sex toys imported from the US, Europe and Japan, ranging from dildos, vibrators, masturbator sleeves, Japanese Meiki Vagina Onaholes, SM & bondage, condoms to cock rings and lubricants. We also have a wide selection of sexy lingerie for him and her. You may look and feel the sex toys on display for fun. Our knowledgable staff will be happy to assist if you need any advice on sex toys.
Our professionally designed and SSL protected website: is also there anytime for you to buy our products online. Products sold on the website can be collected at chosen MTR station or convenience store, as well as delivered to your doorstep.
Enjoy the time shopping with us and we look forward to serving you soon!