貼地MALL source good products from around the world and sell at a friendly price.
Packing Spec | 30ml |
Country of Origin | Taiwan |
Description |
★2019/2020倫敦美容大賞最佳抗老與奢華產品★採用德國默克藥廠高濃度20%杏仁酸,具絕佳的滲透及吸收效果,運用苦杏仁大分子酸具有優越的親膚的效果,輔以舒緩的草本萃取讓肌膚在最溫和的情況下,居家就能享受煥膚效果,代謝表面老化角質,深入毛孔有效改善粉刺困擾,幫助暗沉、膚色不均、毛孔粗大、皺紋等問題。另外添加甘草萃取與蘆薈萃取,同時修復保濕,賦予肌膚飽水滋潤,長期不間斷持續煥顏,能重現完美無瑕細嫩肌膚。容 量: 30ml主要成分:德國默克藥廠杏仁酸、甘草酸、甘草萃取、蘆薈萃取用 途:代謝肌膚角質,減少粉刺產生的可能,淡化肌膚斑點,使肌膚平滑提亮有光澤使用方法:清潔肌膚後,取適量均勻塗抹於全臉,按摩至吸收即可。建議一周二至三次僅限晚間使用,必須加強後續保濕以及日間防曬。注意事項:於三歲以下孩童不得使用。皮膚若出現紅腫時,請立即停止使用,至專業皮膚科醫師看診。很多現代人都有過敏體質,對天然物質也可能產生過敏現象,過敏者使用前務必於手臂內或耳朵下皮膚測試10分鐘,若無過敏現象再行使用。萬一不慎碰觸眼睛,立即用清水沖洗。為確保品質,開封後請立即使用完畢。 |
Delivery / Return |
貼地MALL source good products from around the world and sell at a friendly price.
Our store will protect your personal Information in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and in accordance with HKTVmall Privacy Policies.
• In case of any dispute, the merchant will retain the right of final decision without prior notice.
• Color shown may be slightly different than actual products due to computer monitors settings.
• In situation where there are limitations, price, promotion offers and other marketing campaigns on the HKTVmall may vary from retail stores, the terms and offers are only applicable to HKTVmall.
Our products will be delivered by HKTVmall, please refer to Shipping Information for more details.
• Actual delivery time depends on the products ordered and the shipping time of the particular merchant.
• Shipping time of this store: Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holiday, at 9am.
• The merchant reserves the right to amend the stated terms herein without prior notice.
In case of any dispute, the decision of the merchant and HKTVmall shall be final.