Pinewood Store believes in a simple idea:
→ "The Best Nordic Food Wholesaler."
To those who savor every bite, those who treat eating food as an adventure, and those who want fresh and pure ingredients, Pinewood Store has a message: it’s all here.
→“最適合您的日常生活。”對於那些細味每一口,把品嚐食物當作一種冒險的人,以及那些想要新鮮純淨食材的人,Pinewood Store想告訴大家:一切都在這裡。
Pinewood Store 榮幸地被Business Sweden 指定為戰略合作夥伴,並將攜手在香港和澳門推廣“ Try Swedish”。
通過這次合作,Pinewood Store希望進口更多的瑞典產品,令更多的人能享受美味而高質量瑞典美食, 感受當地豐富的文化。