Want to treat muscle strains and build muscular strength with the most revolutionary massage tool on the market?
ELEEELS’ founder and his professional team, muscular system specialist Dr. Lau Cheung Kok, Korean specialist on material Mr. Kim Hwan Dong, automotive engineering specialist Mr. Robert Li and technology director Mr. Kelvin Rey from California, have all experienced muscle strains due to sports fatigue, heavy workload, prolonged standing or sitting, and inappropriate workplace posture. They have combined their collective expertise in their respective fields, and have jointly developed the ELEEELS products.
ELEEELS supplies fashionable, stylish, sporty and lifestyle-oriented percussive massage devices, on the principle that technology-driven innovation leads to healthy lifestyle. ELEEELS enhances customer well-being by sharing technology and knowledge to educate them using massage devices to relieve, treat, and prevent muscular strains, as well as build muscular strength and muscle elasticity. As a result, they can be energetic, enjoy life, and healthier than ever before, with better work and athletic performance.