Boxing Day Store 選禮店
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HKTV mall is not the seller or supplier of the products or services. HKTV mall is responsible for managing and administering its website, arranging order processing and fulfillment for the products or services you ordered from the suppliers through its website. Whatever item you purchase via HKTV mall will be subject to the terms and conditions of that merchant. The merchant is responsible for the sale and for dealing with any claims or any other issues arising out of or in connection with the contract between you and the merchant. In respect of purchases of a voucher, in addition to the contract you will have with the seller of the voucher, there will also be a contract between you and the merchant that actually provides the products and services when you redeem your voucher with that merchant. We, HKTV mall, do not accept responsibility for any claim, loss or damage, howsoever caused (including through omission or negligence), which you may directly or indirectly suffer in connection with the purchase of any products, services or vouchers through HKTV mall, nor do we accept any responsibility for any such claim, loss or damage arising out of your use of or reliance on information contained on or accessed through HKTV mall. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information obtained from HKTV mall meet your specific requirements. Particularly for beauty services, you must take your own precautions to ensure that you understand how the services will be performed before you decide to purchase. If in doubt, you should consult your own professional advisor.
1. 一般情況下,我們不接受任何產品交換或取消訂單的要求。
2. 如訂購之產品外觀有任何問題,請於收貨後24小時內聯絡客戶服務部查詢及跟進。當產品在廠方保用期內,閣下亦可享由廠方所提供之保用,可自行把產品交回廠方維修
3. 您於收取貨品時(包括送貨或自取)必須立即檢查所訂購之貨品是否存有損毀及齊全。若發現所訂購之產品出現破損,可致電我們的客戶服務部安排更換貨品。
4. 如果我們同意你有權更換產品,但所要求更換之貨品已經售罄,我們會退回相關款項給您。
5. 在接受產品交換之前,請向我們出示購物收據正本或相關的電子收據。
6. 我們有權拒絕因貨品外觀問題及配件不齊全之原因,更換已簽收之貨品。如所送贈品有損毀,我們將會安排盡快補發。
1. 更換之貨品必須連同完整包裝、循環再造標籤(如適用)、配件、說明書及未填寫之保用証一併退回。
2. 更換之貨品必須沒有損壞、損毀及曾經濕水之現象。
3. 已於網上登記保用或曾被維修之產品不可更換。
4. 貨品必須與所有購買時所附送之贈品一併退還,否則我們將從退款中扣除該贈品的價值。